Friday, November 22, 2013

Happy Birthday

Today is Mr. D's birthday. He loves his birthdays, just as if it were Christmas. His mom has always made a big deal about all of their birthdays. I, on the other hand was not raised like that. My birthday was really just another day. I mean she did buy me presents but that was about it. It was not a big hoopla.

I have a hard time making a big deal when it's his birthday. I know it's not fair to him, especially because he loves this day. Tonight we are all going out to dinner. Him and I, our 3 boys, the girlfriends and his mom. He is picking the restaurant, which happens to be my favorite, so I'm excited. I'm sure we will have a great time. We are a really close family and usually have fun when we hang out! I will give him his present later tonight.......

Mr. D.........I want to wish you a very happy birthday. I am so glad that you picked me to share your life with. You are my life, my world, the air that I breathe and I'm so excited to share many more birthdays with you.

I Love You
Happy Birthday My Love!

Subrina <3


  1. Happy Birthday Mr. D! I hope you have a wonderful day and a lovely dinner with the family.

    This was lovely Subrina :)


  2. Happy Birthday to Subrina's Sir ...... :)

  3. What a beautiful post Subrina! Happy Birthday Mr D!

  4. Happy birthday! And, hopes for a wonderful celebration for both of you.


  5. Thank u everyone for the birthday wishes !!!! Thank u babe I love u more then word as can say !!!!!!

  6. Such presents are often the best kind for us men :)

    1. Thanks Foothills.....that's what I'm hopin for!!!

  7. Happy birthday to your significant other! and I'm sure he'll enjoy your birthday gift after dinner :)

    i was brought up with huge birthday celebrations too.. BIKSS i think, not so much. but he's been good about making a big deal for my birthdays so far :)
